domingo, 27 de diciembre de 2009


/'wɑ:ndərlʌst / || /'wɒndəlʌst/ n uncountable

Function: noun
strong longing for or impulse toward wandering.

I am sure my wanderlust will some day take me to Spain.

Spanish: Ansias de viajar, deseo de conocer mundo.

jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2009


Very bad, of very low quality, or shocking and very sad.
Ex.: I don't want him to stay here, he's such a dreadful guy!
Spanish: espantoso, impresentable

miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2009


Shack: noun
/ʃæk/ n [C]
A very simple and small building made from pieces of wood, metal or other materials.
Spanish: chabola, choza


/ˈθɪs.l ̩/ n [C]

A wild plant with sharp points on the leaves and, typically, purple flowers
The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland.

Spanish: Cardo
(Cotton thistle: Cardo borriquero)

martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009


/du:/ ||/dju:/ n uncountable

moisture condensed upon the surfaces of cool bodies especially at night

Spanish: Rocio.

domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2009


/ˈdæz.lɪŋ/ Adjective
Something so bright that you cannot see for a short time after looking at it.
Ex.: They walked under a dazzling sun; the sun shone brightly down on them as they walked.
Spanish: resplandeciente.


plural noun
/əʊts/ (USA)/oʊts/ n

A cereal plant like a grass, or its seeds which are used in baking and cooking and also to feed animals.
These biscuits contain oats.

Spanish: Avena

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009


Drizzle: verb /ˈdrɪz.l ̩/ [I]
To rain in small light drops
Example: It's been drizzling all day.
Spanish: lloviznar

lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2009


1 [C,U] a small round or oval object produced by a plant that a new plant can grow from
Sow the seeds (= plant them) near the surface.

2 (the) seeds of sth the beginning of something.
the seeds of hope/change

spanish: semilla.

River basin

/’rɪvə ‘beɪsn/
An area from which all the water flows into the same river.
Ex.: All those streams are part of the river basin of the river Thames.

Spanish: cuenca hidrográfica


/ˈθʌn.dər/US pronunciation symbol/-dɚ/Noun
the loud noise that you hear during a storm, usually after a flash of lightning
A storm with thunder and lightning
Spanish: "trueno"

domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2009



a handy-sized unit of building or paving material typically being rectangular

Spanish: ladrillo.

Loc. to drop a brick, meter la pata

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009


Harvest noun
/ˈhɑː.vɪst//ˈhɑːr-/ n [C or U]

The time of year when crops are cut and collected from the fields, or the activity of cutting and collecting them, or the crops which are cut and collected
the grain/potato/grape harvest

Example: We had a good harvest this year.